Silverson Veterinary Clinic
2715 SouthWestern H/way
Serpentine Western Australia M: 0407 774 595
Equine Sport Horse Therapy
Sport Horse Therapy

Global Approach to Equine Performance
To diagnose & treat injury or performance issues
Maintain Peak Performance with traditional & complementary therapies
Provide Injury Rehabilitation Programs
In Equine Sports Therapy we combine the following to provide global therapy:
- Principles of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
- Principles of Equine Biomechanical Medicine
- Therapeutic Laser Therapy (TLT)including Laser Acupressure
- Therapeutic Ultrasound
- Principles of Equine Bodywork - tension identification
- Physical Therapies (Physio) - Stretching, Range of Motion, Propriorecption
- Injury RehabilitationTechniques
Dr Deetman is a Sport Horse Medicine Vet with special interests as a Equine Rehabilitation Practitioner. We take a global approach to the condition of the horse because Sport Horse Medicine is not just about treating equine injuries.
In the event of an injury, traditional Veterinary treatments combined with our toolkit of Equine Therapeutic Techniques. provides immediate treatment to performance or injury issues, allowing the animal to remain in work or competition if possible. If time out of work is required, immediate commencement of rehabilitation techniques can minimise loss of function, fitness and muscle tone. Horses under confinement can, and should, still participate in rehabilitation exercises.
Rehabilitation Programs are designed to increase the rate of healing and reducing the time off work due to injury. Rapid return to normal function is the goal for every injured horse.

Traditional Veterinary Medicine & Surgery
Initial examinations start with an animal profile which includes husbandry, training & performance information & clinical examination. We may advise diagnostic imaging and/or laboratory assessments.
In the initial presentation we want to diagnose the source of injury or poor performance. Early diagnosis allows rapid interception, allowing the animal to remain in work or in competition if possible.
All horses, whether for pleasure or competition, should undergo regular health assessments.

Biomechanical Assessment
This essential clinical examination is required to assess the mobility of the animal. Knowledge of biomechanics is required due to the complex inter-relationships of how the horses muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia affect the head, neck, body and limbs.
We are not going to "guess" which tissues are affected. Nor can we start "treating" the horse without first examining the animal to diagnose any problems.
Veterinary Biomechanical Assessment combined with the Veterinary Clinical Examination results in a global picture of the horse, defining any problems and allowing a pathway for therapy.
Therapy may be to maintain athletic performance (if no problems) or to treat identified & diagnosed performance problems. To maintain top performance, regular health assessments are required.
Therapeutic Techniques
We are lucky in Veterinary Medicine in that in addition to Traditional Veterinary Medical & Surgical treatments, we have an array of COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES in our toolkit.
Using the power of light, sound, physical & manual therapy, we can vastly influence traditional treatments to not only increase rate of healing but provide therapies to use on an ongoing basis to prevent injury and maintain performance.
In all cases of equine problems, a Veterinary Clinical Examination is required in order to provide a Diagnosis. No treatment of any sort, whether veterinary or complementary, should be applied to any animal without a Veterinary Diagnosis, made by the qualified Veterinarian, of a problem and tissues/structures/organs involved.

Veterinary Sport Horse Therapy Consult
Consultation that combines the Clinical Exam, Complementary Therapy & Bodywork.
Combining all of the above information we have produced a global approach to Equine Health.
We incorporate our Veterinary Clinical Examination with Complementary Therapies & various bodywork techniques to assess, plan therapy & treat our equine patients.
1) Veterinary Clinical Exam, Trot out, Biomechanical assessment of range of motion, tension, mobility.
2) Therapeutic Laser Therapy application with Myofascial therapy of identified trouble areas.
3) Biomechanical stretching, tension release, bodywork massage.
Treatment plans may include repeat sessions if required of Complementary Therapies.
Identification of major lameness issues will require appropriate lameness workups .
Scheduling may be daily, weekly, monthly with allowances for time for tissue healing and body tissue adjustment to new therapy.
Treatment at competitions can be made with prior arrangement. Please note all treatments, including Therapeutic Laser Therapy, are competition legal.